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The urban poet - Black tea with natural flavors



We love his pen and his eloquence... the journalist, the communicator, the columnist, the intelligent polemicist. He considers the reaction, he thinks, weighs and evaluates. He conceptualizes, finds the angle, announces with confidence. He makes an impact on opinion through his words and his wise rhetoric. To do this exercise in creative concentration, he drinks. Often it's this typically Urban London Earl Gray tea, near a large square to observe people and life.

Product from: Sri Lanka | China

Ingredients: Black tea, orange pieces, cornflower and rose petals, lime leaves, natural flavors.

Antioxidant: Very high
Theine: Low
1 teaspoon per cup (250ml - 8oz)

Infusion: 3-7 mins
Temperature: 100 o C - 212 o F

The urban poet - Black tea with natural flavors
